TOJCAM - Volume 4 - Issue 3 - July 2018
When the relationship between language and advertisement is studied, it is clear that it shares a bond of being social and the biggest reason it is integrated is because they are each living entities. In order for both language and the concept of advertisements to remain vibrant, they have to be dynamic. The information age, human needs, and the advances in technology are signs that the period of change that is taking place in language and advertisements will continue. Naturally, as a result of this change, the relationship between language and advertisements will become stronger because language is the most effective means of communication and because in order to have an impact on society, advertisements have to use this important tool carefully. When it comes to being close to societies, it can find these opportunities through channels like television, the internet, social media etc. Advertisements, which influences societies; and as a result, cultures; has brought important issues along with it in its attempt to adapt to this change: Using Foreign Words.
The existence of foreign words that are used as a result of the desire to be like the West and which attempt to form an impossible integrated language through a different kind of jargon (broken language, slang), have influenced society. These words that we hear frequently on TV weaken language, which is considered a conduit of culture, by destroying the functionality of it. In this study, advertising copies have been studied linguistically and the effect of these foreign words on the language-culture bond has been analysed.
Zeynep KARAŞ
This paper fundamentally stresses on the challenges and opportunities encountered in central bank communication activities by referencing to the necessity and significance of these communication activities. In this context, as a background information, a connection will be tried to be established between the objectives of central bank communication and communication of central bank with its target groups. In that direction, first of all, the importance of central bank communication activities, the reasons why central banks should communicate effectively, the audiences of central bank, and the instruments and channels of central bank communication will be presented, and finally a comprehensive discussion will be made about the challenges and opportunities of central bank communication.
Romoke Iyabo AJALA, M. Olubunmi ODEWUMI
The study was conducted in the upper Basic Schools in some selected states (Oyo and Osun) from the South west Geo-political zone of Nigeria. A total number of 959 Basic Technology Teachers were proportional sampled from Oyo and Osun States.Previous studies submitted that there are lots of locally available supports for teaching Basic Technology and instructors’ have positive perception of utilizing these resources in instructions. Answers were provided for two research questions in this study. The outcome revealed that the attitude of Basic Technology teachers’ towards the use of Community Resources in instruction is negative and that the identified available Community Resources were not being utilized by the Basic Technology teachers’. The Cornbach’s alpha value was 0.82 and 0.72 respectively. Base on the findings, it was therefore recommended that efforts should be made to help Basic Technology Instructors’ develop high positive attitude towards utilization of Community Resources in teaching and Community Resources where available should be planned properly and effectively utilized in the classroom.
Asuman KUTLU
Social networking sites originally designed for connecting people, have turned into business tools and resources. Social media both allows companies to connect with customers and sites like Linkedin or Facebook offer recruiters various opportunities to connect with candidates in hiring process. This study seeks to demonstrate the importance of social media use as a recruitment tool by human resources professionals and raise awareness of social media users on how the HR professionals use social media to screen candidates and employees. The study is guided by three main elements: Use of social media in HRM; social media use to check up on current employees; researching candidates online in recruitment process. In addition to information obtained through literature review, data was collected from 10 companies in Turkey selected using a maximum variation sampling approach through qualitative research methods. The results revealed that employment websites, which save time and money, are the most preferred recruitment platform in Turkey. Out of all social media networking sites, LinkedIn is considered the best platform for recruting white-collar applicants and Facebook follows it for blue-collar candidates. Although contemporary practice of employee and candidate screening through social media does not highly affect HR professionals, it has become common practice to determine people’s ailignment with company culture.